Thursday, August 11, 2011

The world needs one more Blackwell.

Because I am TERRIBLE at keeping things from people, and because you are kind enough to read my blog, I am sharing with you FIRST (after family, of course) that we will be welcoming a new bitty Blackwell in early April!!

I literally found out two days ago. The day after we got back from our trip up north. Funny thing: on the drive home, I made Jesse stop and pullover so I could go to the bathroom a lot more than I did on the way up. He complained, and I said, "hey, maybe I'm pregnant" to which he replied that it would be weird to have to go pee so early in a pregnancy, but it was the same way with my other two. Fast forward one day and HA! I told him so! What I like most about his reaction when I told him was the high-five he gave me. What a guy thing!

So, I'm about five weeks along. It's early, and I was going to wait and publish this news on the blog and Facebook after my first dr appointment, but I couldnt' wait. SO.....those of you who know me on FB, keep it on the DL for a few more weeks, please! (yes, I know it is ridiculous to ask this to be kept on the DL when I am posting it on the internet).

We are SO excited to welcome a new little life into our family! And all the wine I bought at the wineries in Michigan will have to wait 9 months to be drunk...


  1. I'm so happy for you, Jenny! (And Jesse and the big brothers as well, of course!) :)

  2. I'm just NOW playing catch up and reading this!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!! I'm SO suprised!!! WOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
