Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Peanut butter blankets

This post is gross.  Just a warning. 

This morning was perfectly lovely weather, so we decided to head to the zoo as soon as they opened to try and beat all the field trips that go this time of year.  We were successful and we even met some new friends there.  Jackson and this little girl played along well together and he even said "Oh no!  I forgot to tell her about my birthday party at the bowling alley!" (His birthday is in August, mind you).  Anyway, I got her mommy's contact info so we can play with this sweet girl again someday.

After the zoo, we came home and ate lunch and the boys were starving after all that walking- even Sloan because he has decided that he is too big to ride in a stroller, but we still have to have one with us so he can push it around the zoo. sigh.  This boy is I.n.d.e.p.e.n.d.e.n.t.

After lunch, I took Mr. Independent upstairs to his room for naptime.  I changed his diaper and remember thinking: "hmm. maybe I should put his shorts back on him.  Nah, he never does anything naughty in his bed, so he'll be fine with just his shirt and diaper on."

Fast forward 3 hours and I hear him happily playing in his bed after his nap.  I figured I'd just leave him in it until he got upset since he was happy and laughing.  Well, he never got upset, so 15 minutes later, I go and immediately smell something "not right".  I open the blinds to get a better look and see his naked lil hiney and an open diaper in his bed and "peanut butter (if you know what I mean)" smeared ALL. OVER. HIS. BED, ANIMALS, BLANKETS, CRIB, HAND, PACIFIER.  It's one of those moments that receives a similar reaction to finding throwup all over your child's room:  Frozen still, thinking: there's no way I can possibly clean this up w/o a firehose...  First, I thought I could clean Mr. Independent-Peanut-Butter-pants up with a wipe! ha! Not so much.  So, he got his bath at 3:30 today.  And, I should add, Jackson had a running commentary during all this that pretty much went "ew! gross! dat's nasty! Sloanie- you stinky! yuck!"  (I have to say, I agreed with him).

In the end, I got it all cleaned up, and I am thankful for my fancy new frontloader washer that has a SANITARY cycle.  Definitely used that one today.  And, thankful for my husband who took us out to dinner so I didn't have to make it tonight!  Of course, I HAD to text him a pic of the mess so he could suffer almost as much as me. 

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