Wednesday, March 30, 2011

turbo what??

Today I finally took a turbokick class taught by my friend, Nicki, and got my butt turbokicked.  And I could just leave it at that and it would sum up my whole experience, but since this is a blog, I feel I should elaborate.

First off, I am in OK shape.  I've been in better and I've been in worse (hello? post-pregnancy anyone??).  I've always been consistent in getting my cardio via treadmill or bike or elliptical and then get my pump on with some free weights.  I like this routine because I can jam out to my ipod and get lost in my own world and not pay any attention to anyone.  I like that.  I usually don't like classes because I get distracted by what the other people in the class are doing.  But....we all need to change things up once in a while, so after urging from Nicki, I decided to try out her class.  I can now see why turbokick is the highest calorie burning workout.  It's like kickboxing/tae-bo but with zumba-esque choreography kinda-sorta.  (Great description, I know- clear as mud?).  This makes the class go by super fast, but it is not something that comes easily to me.  I would say that I am athletically talented in sports, but that gifting does not extend to choreographed moves-of-my-body/booty.  So, for the first 10 minutes I was a couple steps behind everyone else, but still moving.  Towards the end, I could say that I was "following along" although not as gracefully as some others.  All in all, I think I'll go back.  I can feel the calories burned, and at this point, that is all that matters.

Here's to trying new things!


  1. I don't even dream about keeping up with Nicki! I could use her whipping into shape right about now! Congrats on finishing the class!
