Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To bunk or not to bunk?

Camp Bunk Bed
Potterybarn Kids Camp bunkbed
I've fully accepted the fact that I'm a little neurotic when it comes to planning ahead.  My husband has accepted it, but still shakes his head in disbelief every time I tell him those far off plans.

Lately, I've been on a kick to plan out my boys' room when they share...sometime between a year or two years from now.  What?  don't judge.  But...I've hit a snag.  Jackson  l.o.v.e.s. bunkbeds.  Really, what young child doesn't??  But this boy's momma does not love them.  I don't hate them, but I just love the idea/look of two similarily dressed twin beds in a room with coordinating pillows, sheets, and blankets. Bunkbeds just don't do it for me.  Plus, what am I supposed to do with them when the boys are teenagers and too old to have bunkbeds??  More importantly, what about the more immediate future when these boys will launch themselves off the top bunk onto lord-only-knows-what??  And they will. 

Sadly, I don't think this boy is going to get bunkbeds.   Hopefully he'll be happy with the racecar motif I'm planning.  He already has a racecar theme, but I'm going gangbusters when they share a room!

Any opinions on it??

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of this photo but I also think in J's room two beds next to each other w/ a night stand in the middle would be super cute. You have great taste, whatever you decide will be super cute. (but if you do go the bunk bed route, I wouldn't worry about what you're going to do w/ them when the boys are will be time for new beds by then maybe?) :)
