There are two kinds of people in the world. The kind that make their bed everyday and the kind that don't. Which are you?
I'm a "Make-the-bed-everyday" kind of person. I wasn't always in this category, especially in my adolescent years...just ask my mom! But, the older I got, and especially when I went off to college, I became a bed-maker. I just got so much gratification out of it. It takes just a few minutes at the most, and it makes such a big impact in your bedroom. There can be clothes, toys, or who knows what else scattered on the floor, but if the bed is made, there is still a sense of order and cleanliness.
If you're not a make the bed every day kind of person, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with you or that you should change. Having the bed made is good for my mental health. It's definitely a personal thing. However, there are times when I just don't make the bed--if I'm not feeling well or my husband is not feeling well, or one of the kids was up all night, then the bed is not likely to get made because more likely than not, a nap is going to be taken in the bed, so why make it? Which brings me to another point that probably just shows a little bit more of my neurotic side. If the bed is made and I want to take a nap, I'll sleep perpendicular on the bed between the pillows and the down comforter on the foot of the bed, so as not to mess it up. I think that's pretty clever... My husband does not do this, but after 8+ years of marriage, he's now trained to atleast put the pillows back the way they were before his nap!!
Lately, the most gratifying effect of this bed making is that my oldest son LOVES having his bed made too! He gets all excited and giddy when it's made! I love this! My husband said he'll grow out of it, but we'll see...
I'm the "I only make my bed when I'm hosting a party" person. To me its an exercise in futility since I'm the only one who will see it made before it gets messed up again! :) I choose my bedding based on this, my duvet is always linen b/c I think it looks warm and inviting even when its a mess. :) But I agree, it is lovely to have the bed made. :)